Worth the watch? ‘On My Block’


     The Netflix original series “On My Block” has officially been renewed for a third season, and after the first two seasons, a third season is a must. “On My Block” is a coming of age story focused on four best friends who reside in South Central Los Angeles. They have to navigate their lives as they prepare for high school and the scary moments of puberty.

     The four best friends are Monse Finnie, the only female of the group and the one who becomes the leader; Cesar Diaz, the pretty boy of the group who is forced into a gang behind his brother” Ruben “Ruby” Martinez, the smart one of the group who becomes the group’s conscience; and Jamal Turner, the nerd of the group who is sometimes taken as a joke.

     The best part of the show is the characters and their different personalities that collide better than other shows. With each different personality, you will either laugh at everything that is being said between each character or be invested and not look away.

     For example, Ruby and Monse tend to clash heads more than anyone else in the show. Monse likes to be the mom of the group and tell the others what to do. Ruby likes to talk back to her about everything based on a random fact that he knows and his desire to grow into a man.

     Throughout the show, you watch the four teenagers not only go through puberty but deal with issues that normally teenagers wouldn’t normal deal with. During season two, one of the main problems that the teenagers dealt with was gang violence, which seemed so common to the teenagers until their lives started to revolve around the violence itself. At the end of season one, however, is when the gang violence became a bigger part of their lives after a cliffhanger event.

     The show uses a humorous standpoint to tackle some of the major events that happened in the show. Each character has their own sarcastic tendencies, even when the situation doesn’t call for it. Out of the four, Jamal becomes the funniest one with his fear of almost everything and his reaction to it.

     The actors and actresses of “On My Block” have started filming for the highly anticipated third season and fans of the show are excited to see what it will include. Unfortunately, binge-watching the show now before the third season means you will have to endure the emotional scenes that other viewers have had to deal with, as well as the shocking cliffhanger that ended season two.

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