Cult of the Lamb gameplay trailer showing the lamb and it's church.
Cult of the Lamb gameplay trailer showing the Lamb and it's church. Photo by Massive Monster.

Fans of the 2022 indie breakout “Cult of the Lamb” received a major, long-awaited update Jan. 16.  

The “Sins of the Flesh” update gives players new abilities using the Sin system. This update allows players to use the Sin that their followers generate as currency to make new outfits and upgrade their temple.  

Players new and old praised the free update for adding diversity to the gameplay loop. More content has also been added to the game’s story to encourage replay. 

“Cult of the Lamb” follows the player character, an unnamed cartoon lamb, moments before they are sacrificed to foil an ancient prophecy. A mysterious entity, The One Who Waits, has been imprisoned and promises to bring the lamb back from their imminent demise in exchange for starting a cult in his name.  

Players are encouraged to seek revenge on his captors by splitting their playtime between crusades and cult management. During crusades, the player must fight their way through randomly generated mazes of enemies.  

Using the resources collected during the crusades, the player must manage their cult by constructing facilities for their followers, declaring new doctrines, and managing their followers’ needs. Through the diverse doctrines mechanic, the gameplay offers a choice between becoming a benevolent leader or a wrathful monarch. 

Massive Monster, the company behind the deceptively cute game, gained popularity for their previous game “Inscryption.” The developers received three awards out of their five nominations from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts in 2022. Massive Monster used the earnings to create “Cult of the Lamb.” 

Massive Monster went through several iterations of their newest game before settling on the award winning “Cult of the Lamb” in 2022. One of their first iterations of the game was nicknamed “Build Your Own Hell.”  

However, the team said that artist James Julian’s character designs were “so cute you never wanted to do anything evil to the followers.” Since its launch, the game has received several updates, including two of three major updates promised by the developers. 

The Sins of the Flesh update, otherwise known as the “sex update” to fans of the game, surprised players who have been asking for an update revolving around debauchery and hedonism. 

In a game where players can sacrifice loyal followers to upgrade their powers and gain extra lives, sex and drinking shouldn’t stand out. However, fans have been jokingly asking for the ability to create couples from their followers but did not expect it to happen. 

Fan-favorite character and sentient mushroom creature Sozo also has an extended storyline. This addition allows the players to add mushroom-themed followers to their cult.  

Many fans were excited to have more interaction with Sozo’s character, and the developers delivered more than fans expected. 

Massive Monster has plans to release at least one more major update. With the popularity of the game, players are speculating that more content than what was advertised will be added to the game. The future looks bright for the players hungry for fresh content and newcomers to the game. “Cult of the Lamb” and this free update are available on all major gaming platforms. 

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