Intramural Sports Take Off

ABAC Intramural Basketball Team. Photo by Jason Pace.

Last semester, Dr. Tracy Brundage announced that ABAC would bring back intramural sports. Starting this semester, there will be two phases of intramural sports. Phase I will include intramural bowling, football, indoor soccer, and dodgeball. Bowling started January 30, but the Gressette Gymnasium is closed until Feb. 2, so intramural basketball is being delayed until Feb. 6. The other three sports will start as scheduled on the ABAC calendar on Feb. 5 with intramural dodgeball in the Gressette Gym.  

Jason Pace, Residence Life Coordinator and Coordinator of Recreational Sports, has played sports ever since he was a young boy; he has enjoyed getting to watch students here on campus have that same experience. Other teams can still be created over the semester.  

“We already have six basketball teams, three dodgeball teams signed up, and four soccer ball teams,” Pace said. 

Phase II will start Monday March 11 with beach volleyball, coed softball, flag football, pickleball, and outdoor soccer. 

Pace said, “I’m always open to offering new things if there are enough students that request it.”  

ABAC students gather to participate in sports that they enjoy, giving them a chance to not only enjoy their favorite sports but to also meet other students on campus.  

Pace said, “It’s a great opportunity to socialized with your friends and get in a pretty decent workout.”  

Intramural sports are voluntary, and teams will compete against other teams at ABAC. There is no practice required, and there aren’t any fees attached. ABAC looks to compete in club sports, but right now, their focus is on this semester. 

You can sign up using your ABAC email address at There is also a waiver on IMLeagues that must be signed before participating in intramurals.  

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