ABAC and Tifton Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Cultura Latina Dancers peform at Fiesta Del Pueblo in Fullwood Park. Photo by Kobe Ross.

Hispanic Heritage Month is a holiday full of history and culture. It allows us to celebrate one of the many cultures in America. Hispanic Heritage Month originally started in 1968 as a week-long event and was expanded to a month in 1988.  

The holiday started on Sept. 15 because a lot of the Latin American countries celebrate their independence either on or around that date. The countries that celebrate their independence day on Sept. 15 are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.  

The celebration is a way to highlight the contributions of this diverse group of people to their culture and heritage. During this month, many different kinds of events and activities are organized across the US and many other Latin American countries, including festivals, art exhibits, music, dance performances, lectures, film screenings, and educational programs. Just like Fiesta Del Pueblo, Tifton had a festival on Sept. 23 from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. in Fullwood Park. There were different foods and activities for people of all ages. This was the 25th year for the festival. The festival is to teach people outside of the culture about its history and culture. 

Here at ABAC, we have a multicultural club called Cultura LatinX. They focus on celebrating Latin heritage and culture. They do this by hosting meetings and events to show the community their rich traditions, values, and culture. 

Hispanic Heritage Month helps children of immigrant families reconnect with their roots in the culture and heritage, passing their traditions, customs, and culture from generation to generation, reminding them where they come from, and not leaving behind their roots. It is a time to recognize all the leaders who fought for independence, protested against discrimination, and fought for civil rights. 

An important figurehead is Cesar Chavez, a civil rights leader and activist who fought for better treatment for agricultural farmers. He is best known for his efforts to improve the working conditions and rights of farmworkers. Another is Dolores Huerta, a civil rights activist who is the co-founder of the United Farm Workers. Sonia Sotomayor is the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. 

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for people of all backgrounds to come together to celebrate and appreciate the cultural richness and contributions of the Hispanic and Latino communities from all around the world. The month shows us that Hispanic culture is beautiful, and keeping it alive is vital to ensuring the continued celebration of this country’s diversity. 

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