Dear Filly: ‘How can I channel Kenergy and Barbie magic…’


Dear Filly, 

How can I channel Kenergy and Barbie magic into my everyday life? 


Mojo Dojo Casa House 

Dear Mojo Dojo Casa House, 

I watched the Barbie movie the other day, and I think to channel your inner Kenergy you need to be yourself! I am super girlypop, so I already have Barbie magic trailing me everywhere I go. I’m simply just built different. If you want to get like me, you have to channel your inner girlypop. Meaning, you just have to slay really hard. The essence to Kenergy and Barbie magic is one in the same: Slaying.  

I think sliving is also a good word to describe how to channel your inner Kenergy and Barbie magic. I just made it up on the spot, it’s a combination of slaying and living your life! So, live your girlypop life and slay while you do it. The Barbie world is your oyster! 



Dear Filly, 

What do I need to do to ‘suceed’? 


Succeeding Sally 

Dear Suceeding Sally, 

This, my friends, should serve as a lesson to PLEASE spellcheck before you send things in. Not spelling succeed correctly is embarrassing, and you should feel it right now! It is not hard for a girly (me) to just do a quick Google search on how to spell a word I’m unsure on. You should consider doing the same because I am amazing and slay at spelling. 

Succeeding is abstract, so I don’t like this question. You can make many small successes in life and large ones. You make your own success. I went and got my nails done yesterday, took an everything shower, AND fake tanned all in one day! I consider that success. Your definition of success might look a little different from mine, so I think you should read a self-help book or something and figure it out for yourself. Or maybe seek therapy I don’t know.  



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