Dear Filly: ‘How do I get over a situationship…’


Dear Filly, 

How do I get over a situationship and focus on school?


Friendzoned Franny

Dear Friendzoned Franny,

For readers that are unfamiliar with the term ‘situationship’, it is a step up from a ‘talking’ stage and a step down from an actual committed relationship. You can be exclusive with someone in a situationship, but it isn’t always reciprocated. It can get kind of confusing, but the girls that get it get it and the girls that don’t…don’t.

To get over a situationship, you need to learn how to date yourself. Take yourself to the movies or to Starbys for a little treat. Nurture your friendships and make them a priority in your life. Plan cute lunch dates with them. If all else fails, you can go to the gym, get as jacked as possible, and beat them up! 



Dear Filly,

What is your favorite Taylor Swift era?



Dear Swiftie4Life1989,

Now THIS is a serious question. My pollution contributing queen has some serious game with her breakup anthems. Many people misinterpret her songs and think they all have something to do with her ex-boyfriends, but many of them are discussing how a man should act. How he should apologize, her ideal wedding, even an imaginary love triangle she made up. She is a doctor, so I would take every word she says as the Gospel. 

I think my favorite era is “Fearless”. Not because it’s her best album from a musical standpoint, but because I’m just a 19-year-old teenage girl and it’s super relatable for me right now. She released it at 20 and got a bunch of awards and stuff for it because she is the best woman on the planet. When I was younger, I was a debut girly, and I genuinely believe I grew with her. Which is her appeal for most teenage 20-something year old girls. 



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