SGA President Caleb Bagley gives the rundown on the 2022-2023 academic year

Caleb Bagley poses outside of Tift Hall by Delaney Garcia

With graduation right around the corner, many familiar faces around campus will be saying goodbye to their fellow classmates, and this in turns, makes room for future stallions.

These soon-to-be alumni of ABAC have made their mark in unimaginable ways.

Caleb Bagley is a senior rural community development major with a double minor in history and govement and writing and communication, and he is planning to graduate in May.

Bagley is also involved in many campus organizations including being president of the Student Government Assocation, president of the Student Alumni Council, a part of the Campus Activities Board’s executive board, Agripreneurs, History and Government Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Stallion Society and Helping Professions Association. This highly-involved student is also a former ABAC Ambassador, one of the highest forms of student leadership on campus.

From the beginning, Bagley knew he wanted to come to ABAC because of the uniqueness of the rural community development program that is offered. While many campuses have community-based majors, a program that is specific to rural areas sets ABAC apart from the rest.

A double minor in history and government and writing and communication alongside his major has allowed Bagley to gain what he described as “a completely interdisciplinary perspective of what one would want in a career that is of serving others.”

While Bagley is a part of many on-campus organizations holding many leadership positions, the most important aspect to take note of how he has touched the hearts of students and faculty alike. All of which has been done through his place on campus as a leader, student, and friend.

"The titles of SGA president, SAC president, and so-on and so-forth are meaningless if you walk out of these positions without leaving a mark on the people that were in it with you."
Caleb Bagley

Throughout his academic career, Bagley has met many friendly faces that have made a positive impact on him, but the biggest impact has come from ABAC itself. Baglet said, “Your decision to come to ABAC and become a part of the ‘herd’ is what keeps this institution going. It is with people like you that support this college directly anf for that I will be ever grateful.”

With graduation season coming, seniors must decide what their post-graduation plans are. Whether it be a job straight out of college, graduate school, or other career routes, it is a question on every student’s mind.

Bagley has applied to master’s programs specializing in public administration and to law school. While he has not heard back from either route, he plans to have both programs eventually complete. He intends to pursue his fream of serving others in the South Georgia area by becoming a real estate attorney in hopes of representing the area at Georgia’s Satet Capitol

In the new few weeks, the seniors ABAC’s community know and love will be moving onto a new chapter of their lives. Like Bagley, many will keep ABAC and the memories made here deep within their hearts. He will be missed by the many he has made his mark on, but will continue to do great things based on this legacy.

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