ABAC’s Madison Newell and Lauren Brenneman elected to Georgia Association of College Republicans’ Board

(L to R) ABAC Students Hannah Holton, Madison Newell, and Lauren Brenneman via Madison Newell

Edit: Due to insufficient information, The Stallion failed to originally highlight ABAC student Lauren Brenneman’s accomplishment by being elected to the Georgia Association of College Republican’s Board as Executive Director. Edits have been made by the Editor-in-Chief to reflect this mistake on our staff’s part and accommodate both women’s accomplishments.

Two ABAC students, Lauren Brenneman and Madison Newell, have been elected to the Georgia Association of College Republicans Board at their 2023 convention at the state capital. The Georgia Association of College Republicans is the largest student-led conservative organization in the state. This organization aims to support Republican candidates while providing internship and job opportunities for conservative students across Georgia.

Brenneman, a senior rural community development major has made strides in local and state government to broaden her horizons as a student. This service will only continue as the new Executive Director. As a junior history and government major, Newell is also creating a legacy as an ABAC student before graduation as the GACR’s new Secretary.

The other team members that work alongside the pair represent different campuses under the University System of Georgia, and they aim to spread the importance of their conservative values at their respective campuses. Being members of ABAC Republicans, Newell and Brenneman have created many meaningful connections with the student body and political candidates while spreading conservative values across campus.

Brenneman stated in a Facebook post, “I am incredibly humbled and grateful to be part of such an amazing team. With the newly elected members, I have no doubt that we will do an outstanding job.”

Both Brenneman and Newell are dedicated students involved in many ways across campus. They are both the 2022-2023 Student Government Association Senators for the School of Arts and Sciences and members of this year’s Student Alumni Council.

Their dedication to the school does not end as student body representatives. Brenneman was a part of the Ms. ABAC 2022 pageant where she placed as third-runner up as the ABAC Republicans’ representative. When she is not working on her schoolwork, Newell also serves as a Chairwomen of the ABAC Republicans.

Brenneman’s 2022 summer internship involved diligent work in Governor Brian Kemp’s office. Since the internship, Brenneman has attended events at the Georgia State Capital and implemented her newfound knowledge on campus.

While involvement in many ABAC-affiliated clubs provides ample professional opportunity, being history and government or rural community development majors is terrific because it provides many opportunities for students interested in being community leaders. Newell said, “I am appreciative of ABAC for providing the resources for these opportunities throughout my college years that will allow me to accomplish and carry out the goals that I set for myself in the future.”

These two students have shown perserverance and dedication in their schoolwork and community since they began attending ABAC. Their election to the state board is only one accomplishment in their list of many to come. Brenneman and Newell be a campus representative and spread the conservative message she stands for. Government is a daily aspect in society, making the need for earnest and zealous students even more prominent.

ABAC’s commitment to create well-rounded, motivated individuals can be seen on and off campus with students like Brenneman and Newell. As the college grows, so does the amount of leaders with ABAC values guiding their professional paths.

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