Stallions vs TCC – March 4th, 2023


After losing game 1 of the double header Saturday afternoon to the Tallahassee Community College Eagles, the Stallions bounced back to win game 2 by a score of 7-2.

The scoring started in the top of the second inning when Eagles first baseman Brett Gwinn doubled to rightfield, bringing in Jesus Venegas from third. The Eagles then went up 2-0 when Shortstop Patrick Sheffield hit a single up the middle, bringing in Gwinn.

Things started heating up for the Stallions in the bottom of the third with a Dylan Taylor single and walks by Jorge Pascual and Beau Brand. With the bases loaded and two outs, Jack Witmer delivered with a bases clearing double to give the Stallions a 3-2 lead. The Stallions went up 4-2 when Drew Rothschild singled, bringing Whitmer home.

After gaining another run off the bats of Jorden Nathaniel and Joe Fisher, Jorge Pascual sealed the victory with a two run home run to left field in the 4th inning.

When asked about the team’s performance, head coach Matthew Williams said, “I thought our guys competed really well in the box and we had a really good chance to win the game, throughout the game.”

The stallions currently sit 6-15 on the season as they get ready to play the Florida State College Blue Waves in a two-game series played at home and on the road.


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