Monday, June 17, 2024
75 F



Students distribute meals before Thanksgiving

For eight years students at ABAC have put together a food giveaway for families of Tifton, Manna Drop. The first car arrived at Charles...

Christmas should be cheerful, not dreadful

     I saw an article online the other day from one of my local news sources and found myself irritated by the content....

ABAC mourns the death of Chandler Brock Kuck

Vogue Fashion, TJ Maxx Macarons, and witty sarcasm come to mind when Hailey Glover and Teddi Pope remember their friend Chandler Brock Kuck. “He...

President Bridges announces big plans for ABAC

ABAC President David Bridges spoke at the Agriculture Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) Tuesday Speaker Series. The ACT hosts different guest speakers throughout the semester...

‘Apocalypse’: the best ‘AHS’ season yet

How does one stop the apocalypse from happening when it’s been foretold for thousands of years? That is the question that viewers of “American...

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