Classic Heroes Return: X-Men ’97 Brings New Look to Late ’90s Series

X-Men characters running through torn paper. Photo via Marvel Animation.

Marvel Animation left “X-Men” fans feeling like they time traveled to the late ’90s with the new “X-Men ’97” series.

Characters battle in the hopes of saving all mutant kind from its newest enemy. Viewers also get to see how each character’s life gets affected by the latest extinction-level threat.

The original “X-Men” series ran for five seasons until ‘97, following the main group members: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine. The original series was just the beginning of several remakes and live-action adaptations.

“X-Men ’97” is illustrated in a similar style as the original “X-Men” series. The new ‘97’ intro is identical to the earlier series leaving viewers feeling like they never turned off the channel.

The visual advancements and fluid animations style both further the narrative of the story and provide an updated, yet still loyal look to fans. This change while still maintaining authenticity will intrigue original fans to try the new series and entice new viewers to see what the hype is all about.

Each character is facing their own internal battle. This intense storytelling immerses viewers into each storyline they provide.

“X-Men ’97” concludes its season and honors its original series with a touch of modern animation techniques. Marvel once again provides another great story of the X-Men uniting for a greater good of both human and mutant kind.

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