The new coordinator of the tutoring center, Joshua Clements, threw a sumo-sized effort into making ABAC a better learning environment for students who attend.

     Being the coordinator of the tutoring center is a huge responsibility for Clements, but he felt like it was something he could do to give back to his college. His hometown is Tifton.

     He started college at ABAC when he was 28 years old, majoring in writing and communications. Little did he know that a few years down the road he’d become the coordinator of the tutoring center, and a leader that many students and faculty look up to.

     His objective is to not only guide students but to improve the tutoring center so everyone can get the help they needed in order to succeed in their classes. Clements’ intention with the tutoring center is to gain more tutors.

     The more tutors available, the more opportunities students have to get the help they need to learn. Right now, there are about 33 tutors available. To become a tutor, you must have a 3.0 GPA, all A’s and B’s and presence of mind.

     Clements wants students to feel as though they can connect with their tutors to get a better understanding of the subject and feel comfortable when asking questions about what they need help with.

     He wants to improve the tutoring education here, so students can use what they learn here outside of ABAC after they graduate. Clements wants to let students know they can reach out and get the help they need from tutors. He likes to help people and has a history of giving to his community.

     Clements and his wife have adopted two children, a girl from China and a boy from Hungary. Clements also founded a jiujitsu school in Tifton and recently won a national medal for sumo wrestling.

      On top of giving guidance and helping students fulfill their potential and education, Clements is also going back to school at 35 years old, to get his masters of communication at Valdosta State University. Clements wants to not only better himself, but also the education for students at ABAC.

      The tutoring center is on the third floor of Branch Student Center. It is open to all students. Hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays.


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