Pantha video makes math understandable

By Raines Evans

Staff Writer

ABAC professor Buddhi Pantha stars in his own videos to help students learn math and pass one of the most failed classes on campus.

Students found this new resource helpful. ABAC student Tyanne Puzder said, “Dr. Pantha’s videos helped me take good notes and develop good study techniques.”

Garrett Bates said, “I could always have Dr. Pantha’s help even if he wasn’t present because he explained how to do things really well in the videos.”

Pantha discovered this technique after attending math teacher conferences. “I am always interested in different teaching methods. Lower level math classes have lower passing rates. I wanted to help students learn and pass,” Pantha said.

Before using this technique, Pantha said the pass rate for his lower-level classes was 65 to 70 percent. Now he has seen the pass rate rise to 90 percent.

“I like to make my own videos and worksheets because the students will have similar problems to work out and they will be able to see the methods I use,” said Pantha.

During class, he checks to see who watched the videos and who did the corresponding problems on the worksheet. If the student did not do the work, he will call them into his office to talk.

“There is no way to skip in my class. I want to make sure students pass and learn,” Pantha said.

ABAC has a recording studio where Pantha recorded his videos. Pantha said, “It is a lot of work and takes time, but my students will have everything they need to succeed.” He recorded and edited his own videos and put together his own worksheets, so every aspect of the class was built from Pantha for his students.

Health professor teaches risk of STD’s on campus

By Charley Lollis

Staff writer

     With Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) being a major problem on any college campus, ABAC professor Donna Campbell warns her students about the risks during her Health and Wellness course.

     Health and Wellness student Savannah Arrieta said, “This professor has so much enthusiasm for what she is teaching. It makes you pay attention and take in the material so you can help yourself in the future.” Annie Bazemore said, “I have learned so much about my body and how to take care of it in all aspects. Things I never thought of have now become lifestyle changes for me all because of this one class.”

     Campbell explained her motive for teaching it, “I have seen how much money ABAC has poured into STI and STD prevention and treatment and I want to help bring this number down by teaching these students what to do to stop it.”

     This Health and Wellness lecture taught by Campbell is offered every semester as a two-credit hour course. This class covers all things nutrition and lifestyle choices, like how much sleep you should get and how to deal with stress. Campbell says everyone’s favorite section is the STD part and that is why it is taught at the beginning of every semester.

Ag records professor brings real-life lessons to the classroom

By Ava Jane Teasley

Staff writer

     Agricultural Records students this semester are the first to be enrolled in the course under the instruction of Randy Minton. Together, Minton and his students are learning more about agriculture and the agribusiness industry.

     Minton, a Nova Southwestern graduate, said, “I am always up for a challenge, and learning more from the students about agriculture is really rewarding. As an instructor, providing motivation for students to learn more is my ultimate goal.”

     ABAC Ambassador Will Bostleman said he is taking this course so he can branch out in business. He says Professor Minton makes it easier to grasp while adding real-life examples to the classroom. This is an introductory course to agricultural accounting, and Professor Minton teaches students to prepare a financial statement, describe the end of the year adjustment process and explain the use of different types of farm accounts.

     Agronomy Club President Mitchel Sheffield is thankful he has received the opportunity to study under Minton. He says, “It’s not often your professor has had experience in the field they are teaching. With Professor Minton being an accountant for almost 30 years before teaching, he brings a different perspective to the table, which is useful for all students.”

Writing and comm class gives job experience in practicum

By Alyssa Gayheart

Staff writer

     ABAC Writing and Communication majors were recently offered a course designed to help them prepare for future internships and careers.

     Intro to Writing and Communications (WRCM 3000) was included this fall in the Writing and Communications program at ABAC.

     WRCM 3000 gives students the opportunity to gain real-life experience early in the curriculum, through a practicum. Dr. Sandra Giles describes the practicum as a “mini-internship.” It is designed to prepare the majority of the students for future internships.

     Lessons throughout the course focus on maintaining professionalism throughout the practicum. Students not only represent themselves but also ABAC.

     Giles clearly states in her guidelines for the practicum, “Students are expected to be respectful, professional and concise. Sloppiness in work, communication, personal appearance […] is not acceptable.”

     Having a practicum in the curriculum will help students understand the value of professionalism and show them career opportunities they may or may not be interested in, says Giles.

     The practicum requires students to work at least 20 hours, on chosen days throughout the semester. Multiple assignments are required along with the practicum. Assignments include an Interview Paper, a practicum presentation, a portfolio and a letter of completion.

Southern lit professor aims to boost empathy of students

By Jhonelle Chambers

Staff writer

     ABAC students take a rollercoaster through Southern literature in Dr. Erin Campbell’s special topics “Survey into Southern Literature” class.

     “My goal for this class, as in all of my classes, was to encourage students to think, from a variety of perspectives, in order to enhance both knowledge and empathy,” said Campbell.

     The class covered text written by slaves, former slaves and slave owners. Discussion topics ranged from racism to white privilege, and the history and culture of the South. Campbell taught the class three times, most recently in spring 2019. Randie Sumner, an ABAC student who took the class in spring, expressed her love for the class and the hard topics they tackled.

     The class took a field trip to the Legacy Museum and the Museum for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, a museum that recorded slavery and lynching in the South. Dr. Campbell wanted to continue the ABAC tradition of student engagement, but she also wanted her students to see the truth.

     Taylor Horton, another student who took the class, described the trip as heartbreaking and eye-opening. Taylor was sad to note that the history classes in high school skipped over how cruel slavery was. “Not a lot of people like to talk about that, and I don’t think that’s the right way to go about it at all,” Horton said.

Course on the golf course gets students in the swing

By Carson King

Staff writer

      Coach Donna Campbell leads a new ABAC physical education golf class that’s based in practice of golf fundamentals, also known as experiential education.

      Experiential education is a style that varies greatly from conventional forms of teaching. Conventionally, classes are held in a classroom with a professor lecturing on topics. Those topics are learned by the students and then regurgitated when the exam comes. Campbell’s students experience things firsthand, to learn. In a normal class about golf, students may study the history and famous places or figures from the history surrounding the sport.

      In Campbell’s class, students learn about the sport by playing it. Coach Campbell often talked about how success in her class revolves around giving effort in learning about the sport and how it is played.

     Campbell loves to play the sport but admits that she is far from a pro. Her biggest piece of advice is to relax and let the club do the work.

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