ABAC students intern at Rural Center


    Many degrees require students to partake in an internship to graduate. This ensures that the student is ready to join the field after graduation. Fortunately, two of ABAC’s agricultural communication students were able to obtain internships with Georgia’s Rural Center for the fall semester.

     Georgia’s Rural Center is an establishment designed to aid rural communities in achieving success. Special Projects Intern, Denver Cameron best describes it as a center used to “recognize successful businesses and efforts and help other communities recreate those models.”

     Denver hopes to gain connections and experience in order to build her career and further her experience in graphic design, social media management and brand management. She explains that the Florida community has inspired her to strengthen her connections and build a successful community.

     Another ambitious intern, Loren Lindler said, “Georgia’s Rural Center focuses on sharing what makes each rural community thrive,” while also pointing out that Georgia’s rural areas lack the needs that sustain comfortable living: such as jobs, healthcare and economic opportunities. Lindler adds, “Rural towns have more to offer than what we see on the surface, but the Rural Center focuses on what gives these small towns life.”

     Lindler expressed her excitement on working with this group and believes in what they have to offer. She mentioned one group member, Jessica Akins, and said, “I have always enjoyed her sharing what she is doing with the Rural Center.” Lindler has interest in the Rural Center’s plans to expand the possibilities for rural communities and empower them. While helping the community, Lindler also hopes to gain the experience necessary for her career as an agricultural communications major. These skills include blog writing, feature writing and brand management. She was first presented with this opportunity in April when Georgia’s Rural Center first offered a communications internship. The internship position had so many things that aligned with her goals that Lindler could not resist.

     When asked about how other students could go about applying for an internship of any kind, Lindler replied, “I highly recommend getting to know the professors. They have so many connections within the industry. They get opportunities sent to their inbox so often, but many students do not apply. I strongly encourage students to take a leap of faith and try something new. You may learn what you want to do after college, or you may learn what you do not want to do.”

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